Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Our Story hits the OC Register

We knew we'd be doing a story in the Register - I'd contacted Lori and told her about what we are hoping to do, and asked for her help in getting the word out so we could get our bride nominations and hopefully spark the interest of some fellow industry professionals - afterall if it takes a village to raise a child, it must take an entire country to put on 10 simultaneous weddings, right?

Lori and I talk and she says let's run it on October 11th, which is actually perfect, because it would be one year after Kerry and Kurts wedding - how fun and fitting would that be to see how everything has developed, blossomed and grown in the last 12 months..... well that all changed yesterday with an email. 'I think sooner is much better than later - let's get the word out now' and with that the interview happened and the story was written. The goal? do a smaller article now with the details about the event and bring in the nominations - then we can do the larger, more in depth story later.

Our story posted and the response has been tremendous! not only are the nominations streaming in, but industry professionals are stepping up and volunteering their time, talents and support for this event. These are all strangers to ETM, to Angel Brides and much to my pleasant surprise they have the same philosophy and heart that we do with our Angel Brides.

We at Events TaylorMade are so humbled and honored to be part of the BenefitAll, the Day and everything it represents! I am so very excited to see how this all comes together. We will be accepting bridal nominations (send them to until November 1st; the announcement will be made on November 18th!

oh - here's the link for the story! Please share it with your friends - the more clicks it gets, the longer it will stay up!

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