Monday, October 24, 2011

Angel Brides on the Air you say?

Hello my friends - just HAD to share some very exciting news with you all - during a bridal show, I had the opportunity to visit with many new vendors, both old and new, and as time allowed, I shared with them our Angel Brides program. It felt so good to be sharing this with new friends, it's been a tough year for so many, and it was just amazing to see how their faces lit up and how well it was received.

One of ETM's long time friends, Cindy Lieber from OC sat and visited with me for a while, and while we spoke she asked how the program was doing - today I got a call from her asking if I'd like to be a guest on her weekly talk show this Friday sharing about our Angel Brides program!!!

I am so very excited to be able to share with more people, get the word out about what we do and who we help -

Please tune in this Friday at 2pm PST to!!! Help us share the love and the stories!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Its the little things...

It never fails! We always look for ways we can help our brides to have the day they want and deserve....and sometimes we forget that its the little things that can mean the most.  Things like simply listening and reassuring them that theyve done good and are going to have a beautiful day! Or it could be opening your garage door and letting them look through a treasure box of gorrrgeous hair accessories recently donated to our be able to say of course you can use them! Please, help yourself!

I will admit i do love it when such an oportunity arises, and i know its just a matter of a phone call or a facebook posting and a hero emerges and steps up and say, you betcha! I want to celebrate this person...and then that moment when i get to reach out to the bride and say...guess what? We got it covered! How else can we help?

For me it was nothing more than putting a little pixie dust in the air and letting it become what it would, but to an amazing bride who deserves the world? It is everything!

Amazing how the little things make such a difference.

Erin Taylor, Managing Event Planner & Rental Coordinator
Events TaylorMade
(714) 657-8845

Sent from my HTC smartphone on the Now Network from Sprint!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Angel Bride Shareen

This amazing young woman was sent to me by her cousin, Angel Bride Aimee from last year.

Shareen and Anthony have two of the most handsome young boys, a large family to celebrate with, and very little budget to work with. We happily worked with her through the planning process, budget crisis and O EMMM GEEEE .....R A I N!!! As we all learned with the Angel Bride wedding in December, Outside/Backyard receptions and r a i n do NOT mix well - so what do you do? Shareens new mother in law was gracious and paid the fees for the Masons Hall in Garden Grove and we suddenly had ourselves a venue!

What a gorgeous day it turned out to be - slight delay while the rings were located and a two bouquets grew into three to accommodate an unexpected arrival of a bridesmaid thought unavailable.... but flexibility is our middle name, and thanks the Aimess quick thinking and extra scissors and tulle in the truck - we had it covered!

Angel Bride Dream Team DJ Extraordinaire Rob Wilkins rocked the house, quite literally and ruled the dance floor!

My Flower Girls rocked out some amazing floral pieces, and Artistic Cakes made the most insane cakes ever!

Thank you Shareen and Anthony, for allowing us to be part of your special day - super thanks to AB Team Member Robert Schoales and my amazing husband Cliff for single handedly pulling off the set up in record time!

More photos from the Big Day - Jessie and Trinidad

Is THAT not an amazing photo??? I KNEW someone got this photo and simply couldn't remember who it was! I kept asking the photographers was it you? Well I finally figured out who it was! After an embarrassing realization that I'd sent my Thank You note to the wrong email address, I forwarded my original message to Justin, one of our last minute heros that came to our rescue after an email that was intended for event vendors went out to everyone involved instead causing many of the original wedding vendors to drop out.
Jessie and Trinidad were nominated by Trinidads cousin - when I contacted the cousin to let her know that we had selected them, I ended up speaking with her mom who then put me in contact with Sue - Trinidads mom and an amazing wonderful woman! She quickly shared our joy and helped give the great news to our very surprised couple. You can see Sue holding the bouquet during the vow exchange as she was the MOH! This couple quickly became MY couple...I worked with them from the start until the finish and beyond. I warned Jessie that they will always be part of our lives now...

This GORGEOUS bouquet was created by Jen K Floral Designs in Orange - you can reach this incredibly talented and giving woman through her website ( I remember Jessie said she felt like Royalty carrying it up the aisle. Jen and her design team took great care in making sure the bouquet matched the gown, asking for photos of the gown.

Jessie wore a gown that came from our very own Fairy GodMothers Closet - having never been worn by a bride - they were dealing with car issues and couldn't make the trip up to try on gowns, so Cliff and I drove to them with a truck full of gowns - the moment she had this one on it spoke to her, and then it spoke to Trinidad too. The tux we took down with us to get an idea on sizing worked perfectly for him, just needed a little hemming and they were good to go.

Justin, like many of the other photographers, captured some amazing photos to include the gorgeous one at the top (and one of yours truly with the bride) - looking through these pictures and the joy on their faces brought back the memories of an amazing day and I will admit that the tears came a callin once again - ahh the beauty of doing something good for others! Honestly, I hope this feeling NEVER goes away.

All I can say is thank you Justin - for capturing Jesse and Trinidads most amazing day! And for sharing with this oh so proud and hopefully still humble FGM.

To reach Justin, you can email him at or visit his website at

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2011 - What will it bring for Angel Brides?

Happy New Year to you all! 2010 ended with the most amazing multi couple wedding! Something I'm sure many thought couldn't be done. It didn't come without it's hiccups, but they say nothing worthwhile is easy or without difficulty, right? I couldn't be happier to report that five weeks later all seven of our couples are happy, healthy and enjoying married life!

The end of 2010 also brought some personal challenges to the Taylor family, with the health challenges of my mom and my amazing husband losing his job. While it would be easy to say - no more Angel Brides until money gets better - the Taylors and Events TaylorMade have renewed our commitment to our mission and again made it our priority to serve those who've given up hope of a wedding or reception.

So far this year we have been introduced to three new Angel Brides and their betrothed - we are so very excited to help them, however we can! Two of them have come to us through referrals from former Angel brides - what a special treat to hear that! ANNNND, Events TaylorMade was just awarded the Brides Choice Award for the second year in a row!

Our team continues to grow with new volunteers and interns. Those who've worked with us in previous events who would like to become involved - it is so heartwarming to experience this! I was recently contacted by a florist who would really like to be part of the Dream Floral Team!

As we continue to tell people, if you know an Angel Bride - please send them our way - while we can't always do everything for everyone - we can ALWAYS do something for everyone! And with many helping hands? Magic can happen for every bride!

Love and Hugs to all!